14 Oct A Granite Springs Lodge is The Best Medicine During a Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has likely brought many changes to how you live your life, and with it uncertainty, altered daily routines, financial pressures and social isolation. You may worry about getting sick, how long the pandemic will last and what the future will bring. Information overload, rumors and misinformation can make your life feel out of control and make it unclear what to do.
Here at Granite Springs Lodge we take pride in our “over the top” detail to cleanliness and safety for our employees and guests. During the current public health crisis, we are committed to following the health and safety guidelines that represent best practices for Granite Springs Lodge, in accordance with CDC guidelines.
In the thick of social distancing measures around COVID-19, going outside has become one of the most popular ways to fight off boredom and assist with decreasing stress and anxiety. At Granite Springs Lodge we emphasize that people still go outdoors to embrace the multiple seasonal activities and to enjoy the simplicity of being out in nature.
Seven rules to live by if you plan to travel responsibly
1. Do your research ahead of time. Is COVID-19 spreading in your community? Is it spreading in the places you will be visiting? If the answer is yes, now might not be the best time to go. If the answer is no, if ever there was a time to over plan, this is it. Plot your route and book lodging and restaurant reservations in advance as best you can.
2. Protect the public. When you go, practice social-distancing measures and wear masks around strangers, indoors in public places, and outdoors in crowds or where social distancing is not possible.
3. Get tested. Depending on the type of overnight trip you’re taking and if you’ll come into close contact with other people outside your bubble, consider getting a COVID-19 test before you go and when you return home.
4. Prepare for the unexpected—and pack for it, too. Bring extra masks, hand sanitizer, and wipes. It is better to be over prepared than under prepared.
5. Support local businesses every step of the way. (Note: Many prefer payment with credit or debit cards right now, to avoid handling cash.)
6. Be patient and tip well. Have respect and empathy for hospitality professionals trying to offer you a memorable experience in these difficult times. You owe it to them to do your best to keep them safe.
7. Follow the rules of the communities you visit. Check for any local or regional updates while you are on the road and once you return home: Tourism boards and municipalities are constantly updating their information online.